Klister with coverage. What is it and when is it used?
Most people are used to adding either dry wax or adhesives to get attached to the ski. But did you know that it is possible to combine the two and get Klister with coverage?
Brush adhesive coating: Per Canute's sticker brush from Swix gives a perfect result when applying stickers with coverage.
- See also Swix School: Learn all the tricks to get great skis
Klister with coverage are just like the name implies: Klister that are covered. In this article, we'll explain why you should sometimes cover the klister, how to do it, and what to look out for when adding klister with coverage.
Are you still a little confused by what we mean? In other words, you should have both adhesives and fastening wax on your skis at the same time.
In this case, it is the fastening wax that covers the adhesive. The Swix V40 blue extra is an example of a fixing wax. See the procedure further down in the article.
When to use klister with coverage?
There is good reason why many Birkebeiners have encountered the phenomenon of klister with coverage. It is often used in varying driving conditions on the trail, where you for example go from plus degrees in the lowlands to cold and dry conditions at altitude.
If you had only put stickers on this trip, you would have had a good grip in plus degrees, but clacking as the adhesive had frozen on the dry road. By adding fastening wax, you would have good skis on the mountain, but no attachment in the sections with plus degrees.
Klister with coverage are also used when there is heavy wear on the track or on artificial snow. The adhesive will then have a better wear resistance than dry wax. Often the green basic klister are used for Swix or hard stickers such as Swix KX30 and Swix KN33.
Why should you put klister of coverage?
We start with the example where you encounter both cold and mild conditions on the same ski trip. Stickers with coverage will dampen the aggressiveness of the adhesive so that it does not ice on the dry conditions.
You will still be able to kick well from where the snow is milder. It is a unique combination that is almost impossible to achieve when the conditions vary.
The alternative on difficult conditions is to use community kiosks, but remember that these are not completely maintenance-free either. Read more about how to get the most out of your community kits in this article.
Option 2: Spray on Swix KB20 base stickers. This will settle as a thin base on the ski sole.
Option 3: You can use Swix's lubrication machine to apply a thin layer of adhesives.
Popular top stickers are: Swix K21s universal silver sticker, Swix KX40s silver sticker, Swix KX35 violet special adhesive, Swix KN44 Nero or KN33 Nero.
Popular adhesive waxes: Swix VP45, Swix VP50 and Swix VP55.
Now you're done adding stickers of coverage. Good job and good ski trip.
It couldn't be easier: Swix's lubrication machine gives a perfect result every time you put klister on skis.